Motivational Gifts are God-given spiritual gifts found in Romans 12 in the
Bible which shape our personality types, provide our inner motivation, and
direct our thoughts, attitudes and actions. Everyone (young or old!) has one
or more of these giftsand understanding our gifting has much to do with
whether life is fulfilling or frustrating, fun or frantic.
Don and Katie Fortune provide the resources
you need to help you recognize and function effectively in your Motivational
Gifts. The Fortunes are recognized experts in this field, with three ground-breaking
books on the Motivational Gifts and wide experience teaching Gift
Seminars and administering gift surveys in 37 nations around the world
for over 28 years.
The Motivational Gift teaching is based on the fact that scripture talks
about several different kinds of gifts with different characteristics.
Grasping this simple concept about gifting gives people a clear perspective
and enables them to move into more effective service and ministry. We've
seen it happen over and over again!
The Discovery Books below are a great introduction
to motivational gifts, with descriptions, real-life stories and questionnaires
that help you discover your God-given gifts quickly and easily. We also provide
a variety of Teaching Materials including questionnaires
for adults, youth and children, as well as information that will help you
to discover your best fit in ministry or occupational roles.

God-Given Gifts
A fascinating guide to realizing
and practicing your personal gifts.
A Biblical handbook to help you discover . . .
- Why you think and act the way you do
- How gifts affect your relationships
- What career or ministry suits you best
- How using your gifts will bring you joy
- How to overcome conflicts with others
- God's purposes for creating you with gifts

Children's Gifts
A parent's handbook for
recognizing and developing your
children's God-given gifts
A Biblical handbook to help you discover . . .
- How gifting formulates a child's personality
- How to encourage development of your child's gifts
- New insights for effective communication
- How to enhance your child's education
- Ways to work well with teens
- Insights for those who work with children
Spouse's Gifts
The key to making the most
of your marriage.
A Biblical handbook to help you discover . . .
- How gifts affect your marriage
- How recognizing one another's gifts resolves conflicts
- How to find joy in your God-gifted marriage
- Renewed love and appreciation for your spouse
- Why conflicts can become stepping stones
- How a marriage survey will change your life
© 2001 Heart to Heart International
Ministries Fortune@Heart2Heart.org
PO Box 101 Kingston, Washington 98346
USA (360) 297-8878 Fax 297-8865